3153.4 USB 0800z: US Navy air defense net with Xray Whiskey wkg Whiskey passing 0800 air defense sitrep message. Stations very weak.
3204 USB 0523z: 0011CACAP sounding in ALE mode.
4582 USB 0313z: Yosemite 527 closing the Yosemite Civil Air Patrol net followed by Yosemite 307 wkg Yosemite 163 with discussion about reprogramming MICOM-3 radio.
4739 USB 0553z: Red Talon 71A wkg Fiddle requesting they relay to playmate and requests QSL.
4790 USB 0243z: Stations using Tadiran HF-2000 analog voice security.
5439 USB 0322z: American fishermen talking about Osama bin Laden’s death. One of them commented that it would have been better if the USA sent Osama’s head to a taxidermist and put up in the Oval Office.
6577 USB 0301z: King 72 wkg New York with position report of 31.21N 079.24W.
6900 LSB 0330z: unIDed OM in Spanish language.
7805 USB 0543z: MA1NC sounding in ALE mode.
8803 USB 0334z: Duplex phone patch with YL in Spanish language.
8862.5 USB 0221z: Fishermen in Spanish language. Could hear engine noise in background.
8867 USB 0519z: San Francisco wkg N36GV. Gulfstream Aerospace G-V owned by Westfield.
8912 USB 2248z: Rescue 1712 wkg Service Center for phone patch to USCG District 11 Command Center to discuss search action plan.
8933 USB 0224z: New York wkg unknown flight with weather conditions at MUHA (Havana) and MUVR (Varadero) airports.
8983 USB 1247z: CAMSLANT accepts guard from Coast Guard 2128.
10242 USB 2337z: Juliet 32 clg Zulu 29 with no response heard.
13231 USB 0703z: ANDVT
14582 USB 2258z: Coast Guard 1503 wkg CAMSLANT and informs airborne w/ 08 POB from CGAS Clearwater.
15081.5 DSB 2121z: Link-11 data
18594 USB 1842z: Coast Guard 1713 wkg CAMSPAC for HF radio check.
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