3228 USB 0212: AFA9CM wkg AFA9TJ and asked if they could make 9S1 net call.
3630 USB 0606: Unid OMs/suspected intruders w/ chat in Asian sounding language.
5563 USB 0230: Hammer Claw clg Omni 19 several times w/ no joy.
5693 USB 0630: Debow wkg Black Bird (not heard) in comms about investigating strobing lights.
5693 USB 0759: Debow clg Black Bird and requests ops/position.
5732 USB 2057: Kilo 72 wkg CAMSPAC requests they assume guard. Kilo 72 airborne w/ 3 POB from San Luis Obispo en route to air station Los Angeles.
6935 USB 0033: Unid numbers station w/ German accented male reading 5 figure groups and signed off with “Ende Ende… Charlie Hotel Charlie One”
8146 USB 1730: Lima Mike Quebec wkg Gamma 25.
8146 USB 1803: Lima Kilo Golf wkg Gamma 31 and gave position 31-31N 115-59W.
8250 USB 1718: Unid OMs in Spanish language.
8912 USB 1919: CAMSPAC wkg Kilo 20 and inquires about satcom.
11159 USB 1919: Doom 32 wkg Mudbug in phone patch regarding Barksdale weather forecasts.
12332 USB 0025: OMs in Spanish language. One station gave mention to Manzanillo Mexico.
13907 USB 1750: Coast Guard 1714 w/ CAMSPAC advising on final to Puerto Vallarta and requests CAMSPAC secure their guard.
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