Unknown station playing music on 261.825. Same tune was also noted on 256.950. This was coming from the Pacific Ocean region.
Your search for 256.950 returned the following results.
Tags: APAC
Lately I have been hearing Russian traffic on 256.950 and a few other freqs.
Occasional test counts and lots of “priyoms” and some broken English.
This time I thought it sounded like a Chinese station on 256.950?
Continuing to hear activity just about every day now. Here is some broken sounding English from the station.
I also heard the same guy on 263.625.
Accented station identifying as “G7Y” with radio checks to unheard station.
Tags: APAC
256.950 PAC: Aircraft 414 calling Habitat for a radio check on UHF satcom.
Tags: APAC
256.950 PAC: Jolly 61 calling Jolly Ops on UHF satcom.
Tags: APAC
256.950 POR w/ Zed 9 Charlie 1 clg 9 Charlie for radio checks.
Tags: APAC