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Logs 28-Sep-2012

5715.4 USB 1425: Unid stations with ANDVT comms.

6640 USB 1400: San Francisco providing phone patch to Air Canada 064 in regards to a passenger on board with medical condition. Stations discussed the possibly of diverting to Anchorage, but decide to continue on to Vancouver as scheduled.  

8164 USB 0312: Males in English suspect boaters with talk about weather.

8992 USB 0158: Reach 1001 wkg Offutt for phone patch. Reach 1001 en route from Hickam and wanted to confirm lodging reservations.  

10750 LSB 0218: Males in Spanish language and were reciting a bunch of numbers.  

11175 USB 0226: Offutt providing phone patch for Reach 804.

11494 USB 2146: Panther calling Coast Guard 1702 for radio check.  

11500 USB 2056: Harris AVS scrambled comms.

Logs 27-Sep-2012

13200 USB 0244: Diego, Anderson, Hickam and Andrews with test counts.  

13215 USB 0259: Hickam calling Puerto Rico and requested they stand by for data.

Logs 26-Sep-2012

6693.1 USB 0508: ANDVT

6709 USB 0525: Juliet 03 securing guard with Commsta Kodiak and reports on final into CGAS Kodiak.

13907 USB 2223: Omaha 57B and Hammer in comms about a Cessna aircraft.  

Logs 25-Sep-2012

5732 USB 1600: Omaha 718 calling X-ray 950 for hotel fox radio check.  

11175 USB 0308: Navy Echo Golf 18 in comms with Offutt and attempting phone patch to Pipeline. Navy Echo Golf 18 identifies as Dragonclaw 18. Phone patch ends unexpectedly, busy signal on call back and Navy Echo Golf 18 will try back later.

11175 USB 0315: Offutt giving ARINC freqs to Aircraft 717 for New York Radio.

11175 USB 0356: Otis 17 wkg Hickam for phone patch to 17th OWS and requesting weather for PHNL, PHOG, KSUU and KTCM.  

11175 USB 2052: Umbra 11 calling Mainsail for HF radio check.  

Logs 24-Sep-2012

11175 USB 1337: Barksdale AFB Maintenance wkg Offutt for HF radio check.

11175 USB 1639: Geronimo clg Mainsail with comms test.  

11175 USB 1843: Blue Angel 9 clg Mainsail and wkg Elmendorf (not heard) for HF radio check.  

11226 USB 2214: Offutt calling Andrews several times.

11282 USB 2105: Raider 21 wkg San Francisco.  

11282 USB 2115: San Francisco wkg Reach 291, Spur 50 and Reach 6011.  

15043 USB 2115: GS1 clg OFF in ALE followed by Sentry 51 wkg Darkstar with comms about maintenance issue.  

16610 USB 2302: Males in unknown language.

Logs 22-Sep-2012

2670 USB 1101: USCG Kodiak Communications Station with maritime information broadcast.  

5434 USB 0700: ANDVT

5547 USB 1256: Yangtze River 7461 wkg San Francisco. Boeing 747-400 from Shanghai to Los Angeles.  

5547 USB 1325: Reach 6011 wkg San Francisco.  

5547 USB 1351: Giant 8227 wkg San Francisco. Boeing 767-300 from Yokota Air Base to Seattle.  

5598 USB 0721: Blue 66 wkg New York.  

5598 USB 0725: Reach 373 wkg New York.

5598 USB 0737: Surinam 994 wkg Santa Maria. Airbus A340-300 en route from Paramaribo to Amsterdam.

5598 USB 0742: Blue 76 wkg Santa Maria.  

5696 USB 0425: Commsta Kodiak wkg Coast Guard 6572.  

11282 USB 0255: Lifeguard 361PG wkg San Francisco.

Logs 20-Sep-2012

6640 USB 0545: RoyalJet 06 (sound like) wkg San Francisco for phone patch to Operations regarding weather for several airports including Tahiti and Easter Island.

11232 USB 0212: King 55 calling King Ops for signal check but no joy.  

13312 USB 2217: TSC calls LB2 in ALE then Service Center calling Lima Bravo 2 in USB voice.  

13542 USB 0202: ANDVT comms followed by ALE handshake from MAN and BLT.

14484 USB 1715: Showdown 630 and Showdown 615 with radio check.  

16730 USB 2300: Couple OMs talking about their fishing averages.  

Logs 17-Sep-2012

11175 USB 2239: Ranger 03 calling Offutt and requests phone patch to Miramar. Phone patch was interrupted by another station “Lincoln Side” conducting radio test counts. Phone patch to Miramar was re-established and Ranger 03 passes updated ETA and other requests for upon their arrival.  

11175 USB 2309: Mario 97 calling for any MARS station. (appears to be on the wrong freq!)

11244 USB 2227: Slay Bird (sound like) broadcasting EAM message DINMDY.  

11271 USB 0245: unIDed stations sounded like Spanish or Portuguese language.

11440 USB 2307: Males with QSO in Spanish language.

16722 USB 2208: Males talking in Tagalog language.

16730 USB 2123: unIDed male talking about chartering into Coos Bay.  

19780 USB 2212: Males in Spanish language.

Logs 16-Sep-2012

2462 USB 0303: Fishermen having conversation and using foul language.

4724 USB 0541: Andrews broadcasting EAM message JECN2H for region Charlie.  

5475 USB 0640: Males talking in unknown language and had noticeable background noise during transmission.  

6442 USB 0750: Male in Spanish language calling another station and sound like they said Guaymas.  

6638.8 LSB 0439: unIDed OMs talking about wildfires in the northwestern USA.  

8164 USB 0311: Male talking to unheard station and gave mention to Vancouver Island.  

13155 USB 0149: Criteria broadcasting EAM message DIUMMS. Also noted on 6697 kHz.  

13339 USB 0545: San Francisco checking selcal code KQFL for Spur 56.

Logs 14-Sep-2012

5732 USB 1048: Oscar Whiskey Kilo clg Lima November Tango for comms check.  

6215 USB 0316: Unidentified male voice with 3-2-1 test out radio check.

7527 USB 1847: Zulu 29 clg Juliet 32 for ops and position. Juliet 32 gives position of 34-12N 119-13W over Pt. Mugu.

11175 USB 2341: Sigonella with EAM message JENCEJ.  

11232 USB 0246: Trenton Military calling Reach 1010 for radio checks but was extremely garbled.  

13110 USB 0200: Woman with southern accent talking to unheard station via phone patch through WLO Shipcom. Automated station ID and weather report followed afterwards.  

15867 USB 1709: Juliet 32 wkg Zulu 29 at position 32-49N 117-15W and said they were headed towards Catalina Island on a routine trainer. Zulu 29 told them to give ops and position every 15 min on 127 secure and HF ALE for secondary.

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