Had a brief clear transmission on 260.375 from unIDed operator — sounds like he mentions 25K data gate (or DAMA?) voice or something like that.
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Argos Juliet 9 calling Argos Romeo 3 for a comm check on 251.850 MHz.
260.675 Wolfpack calling Wolfpack Alt (sound like) for a radio check.
Tags: APAC
Caught an interesting exchange between Ice 31 while they were attempting to land at McMurdo. Ice 31 ends up having to RTB back to Christchurch due to poor weather conditions.
Tags: APAC, Operation Deep Freeze
More Pacific satcom activity on 260.525. Hitman Main calling Ironhorse Main.
Tags: APAC
Some Pacific activity — Cobra Main requesting a comm check on 260.525.
Tags: APAC
258.450 PAC: Warfighter 76 requesting comms check in the clear.
Tags: APAC
It’s been a few months, but finally logged Operation Deep Freeze activity on satcom again. Here is some traffic between Ice 28 and Deep Freeze Ops on 261.725.
Tags: APAC, Operation Deep Freeze
251.850 CONUS: Aircraft Maintenance performing radio checks. Station had a terrible feedback squeal during their transmissions.
260.725 CONUS: Fear 31 clg Fear 33 and Red River on the CONR-2 net.