4125 USB 0602: KWL38 wkg various vessels in Alaska for sea ice reports.
4125 USB 0612: Commsta Kodiak wkg FV Jennifer A to inform they have established contact w/ FV Bering Sea via landline and thanks them for the assistance.
4125 USB 1101: USCG Kodiak Alaska Communications Station w/ marine asstiance request broadcast for FV Lucky Lady that reports disabled in vicinity of Kodiak. Kodiak asked stations to tune 2670kHz.
4125 USB 1118: Commsta Kodiak attempting to hail FV Bering Star w/ no joy.
4275 USB 0410: Tadiran HF-2000 scrambled comms.
4444 USB 0412: Harris AVS comms. Sounded like Spanish language.
6640 USB 0401: United 351 wkg San Francisco ARINC for phone patch to company dispatch in regards to flight plan routing.
6691 USB 0350: ANDVT
8983 USB 0228: Commsta Kodiak wkg King 61 w/ traffic regarding their arrival into Shemya Island.
8983 USB 0229: Coast Guard 1719 wkg CAMSPAC w/ flight ops and position 24-46N 153-27W.
8983 USB 0345: Coast Guard 1709 wkg Commsta Kodiak at position 57-52N 157-50W.
9011.4 USB 2323: ANDVT
9031 USB 2309: Vexation clg Reassign on “Charlie Echo” several times then into ANDVT.
11220 USB 0101: Reach 10 wkg Andrews.
11282 USB 0044: San Francisco wkg Alaska 854 regarding IFE due cracked windshield. Boeing 737-800 en route from Lihu to Seattle but was diverted back to Honolulu.
15867 USB 2046: CAMSPAC wkg Coast Guard 1703 requesting overflight update for the 2 positions so they can relay to District 11.
16722 USB 2344: OM in Tagalog wkg unheard station. Gave mention to North Pacific Ocean and East Coast Hawaii.
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