5154 USB 0331: V1B with EAM messages GHLZFS and GH342C.
5740 USB 0230: 3OK calling 7NQ several times, no response heard.
5775 USB 0244: Allen 03 wkg unheard station and thanked them for their participation and advised they were powering down their system.
6868 USB 0403: ANDVT
7422 USB 0226: T2L with EAM message GH3GMH.
7893 USB 0313: G6C with EAM message GH342C.
ALLEN 03 is a USAF E-3 undergoing upgrades in Seattle and DART are Phoenix Air Lear 35s used for testing alongside and REDHOOK is the Avionics Integration Lab (AIL) at Boeing Field
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