8918 USB 0323Z: JetBlue 2030 calling New York Radio for selcal check on GHMQ. JetBlue 275 and JetBlue 2404 also in comms with New York Radio with position reports. A handful of Airbus A320s going between the northeastern USA and Puerto Rico.
11282 USB 0000Z: VH-IPG wkg San Francisco with position report 33-15N 128-10W at FL110. This aircraft is a Cirrus SR22 en-route from Honolulu to Santa Maria CA.
11494 USB 0114Z: TSC calling T16 in ALE followed by USB voice comms with 16 Hotel passing traffic to unknown station and position 12-44N 064-33W (area west of St Vincent and north of Venezuela). Possibly tracking some type of TOI on radar and mentioned it may have turned towards the south on a 193 heading. Signals were quite weak here.
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