11175 USB 0126z: Sumo 17 wkg McClellan p/p to DSN 315-448-6900.
11217 USB 0138z: Ruff 02 wkg Lajes p/p to DSN 884-9929 Task Force 124.
4300 USB 0524z: NMN USCG CAMSLANT w/ human read weather broadcast for Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.
5696 USB 0538z: CG 1715 secures guard w/ COMMSTA Kodiak.
5693 USB 0540z: CAMSPAC attempting to raise CG 1702. Also came up on 5696 but no comms established. CAMSPAC transmitter extremely distorted on both freqs.
13224.1 USB 0619z: Miniature wkg Demon 50 and requests if they can stay on deck until 0715z.
13231 USB 0627z: Chaser clg Juliet Hotel 003. Unid station responded but too weak to copy and no further comms heard.
13231 USB 0643z: Unclouded clg Waverider 850 on high fox red.
13231 USB 0649z: Unclouded wkg 586 w/ “Copy all. 200 at 43 from Point Lion” and requests 586 to make sure Waverider 850 has established QSL 0653.
13231 USB 0653z: Chaser clg Waverider 850. No response heard.
11050 AM 1450z: Chinese firedrake jammer.
11175 USB 1527z: Offutt clg Juliet Alpha 05 several times but no joy.
7527 USB 1636z: CG 1714 wkg CAMSPAC and returning to homeplate due maintenance issue with one of their engines.
8912 USB 1709z: Juliet 36 wkg CAMSPAC w/ flight ops normal and position 35.36N 113.18W.
11175 USB 1720z: Geometric in p/p via Offutt to DSN 271-7190 for orderwire coordination.
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