2863 USB 1512: Tokyo volmet
2965 USB 1509: Bangkok volmet
5560 USB 0742: Australian fishermen using foul language and gave mention to Barrier Reef.
5643 USB 0946: Qantas 93 wkg Tahiti Control.
5643 USB 1131: Nadi passing sigmet info to Air Van 111 about a tropical cyclone observed at 21-36S 164-18E w/ CB to FL500 and another sigmet for embedded thunderstorms.
5673 USB 1503: Guangzhou volmet
11175 USB 1811: Canto 94 w/ Elmendorf for HF radio check.
11306 USB 1535: Boeing Seattle and Boeing 175 attempting HF comms but had trouble hearing each other.
11306 USB 1727: Boeing 469 calling Boeing Seattle.
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