Logs 23-Feb-2012

5560 USB 0739: Fishermen w/ Australian accents. Used foul language w/ f-bombs every other word.

5732 USB: A65 clg TSC in ALE then Service Center wkg Omaha 465 w/ crypto test.  

8992 USB 0256: Shadow 91 wkg McClellan for phone patch to DSN 872-4800 Eglin Metro.

11175 USB 0138: SAM 792 clg Andrews for signal check and both report lima charlie.  

11232 USB 2352: King 61 wkg Trenton Military and requests they relay to US Customs their arrival time into Moffett and to have agent meet them upon arrival.  

11271 USB 0233: Shadow 91 clg Trenton Military. Came up again on 11232 but w/ no joy on both calls.

11342 USB 0130: Boeing 1TS wkg San Francisco for radio and selcal check for BEDQ.  


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