5732 USB 0637z: CAMSPAC wkg Coast Guard 1703 informs them per Sector San Diego that a CBP aircraft will also be operating in their vicinity.
5732 USB 0651z: Coast Guard 1703 wkg CAMSPAC w/ position 32.10N 117.49W.
5732 USB 0659z: CAMSPAC w/ Coast Guard 1703 asking if they can come up on secure HF so USCGC Sea Otter can communicate with their unit.
5732 USB 0751z: Coast Guard 1703 request CAMSPAC come up on ICE network.
8912 USB 1506z: Omaha 54X wkg Hammer reporting 10-8 to 2000 on a training sortie.
14582 USB 1832z: Service Center clg Omaha 295 followed by Cothen 3 (sound like) wkg 295 w/ radio check and test count.
5732 USB 1921z: CAMSPAC wkg Coast Guard 1703 and informs them USCGC Sea Otter can be contacted on Ch 23A or SVN Alpha.
5693 USB 1942z: ANDVT
7527 USB 1957z: Coast Guard 1703 wkg CAMSPAC reporting flight ops normal and position 30.34N 120.02W. CAMSPAC requests CG 1703 to send them an Op Note test via PAC10.
5732 USB 2015z: Coast Guard 1703 wkg CAMSPAC advising they would be on SVN 8843 with Beaver Control.
8843 USB 2024z: Coast Guard 1703 wkg San Francisco w/ position 30.32N 121.36W.
7527 USB 2043z: Coast Guard 1707 wkg CAMSPAC reporting on deck at CGAS Sacramento.
10242 USB 2236z: CAMSPAC wkg Coast Guard 1712 requesting flight ops and position.
5732 USB 2258z: Coast Guard 1703 wkg CAMSPAC reporting position 36.43N 126.35W.
15867 USB 2259z: November 05 wkg CAMSLANT w/ position of 27.55N 86.39W and reports ops normal.
11494 USB 2322z: Coast Guard 1502 wkg CAMSLANT w/ flight ops and position of 27.19N 82.28W.
10242 USB 2330z: Omaha 3SA wkg Hammer in the clear.
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