5211 USB 0420z: BPABCU3 sounding in ALE mode.
6640 USB 0241z: United 548 wkg San Francisco in regards to medical emergency. Boeing 757-200 from Kona to Los Angeles.
6930 LSB 0415z: unIDed OM in Spanish repeating “hola hola hola” several times.
7527 USB 0033z: Juliet 16 wkg CAMSPAC with flight ops normal and position of 38.17N 122.58W.
8164 USB 0406z: unIDed OMs in English with leisurely chit chat.
8361 LSB 0540z: Fishermen with foul language and conversation about hauling/setting gear.
8989 USB 1314z: OMs in unknown language.
9025 USB 0402z: ALE link between “280053” and “HIK” followed by voice comms from Aircraft 53 wkg Hickam for radio check.
10024 USB 0123z: Lan Chile 622 wkg Cenamer Radio. Boeing 767-300 from Santiago de Chile to Mexico City.
11175 USB 1648z: Quest 40 w/ Offutt in phone patch to Utah National Guard regarding status of Utah 51.
13231 USB 1042z: 889 clg 586 on “high fox red” for radio check.
13993 USB 1901z: AFA8IT clg Transcon with no response heard. AFA8IT also wkg AFA4SO (unheard) and asks if they could be alternate NCS.
15867 USB 0101z: Coast Guard 1720 secures guard with CAMSLANT reports on deck at home plate CGAS Clearwater.
18594 USB 1507z: Coast Guard 1503 wkg CAMSLANT airborne from CGAS Clearwater w/ 08 POB.
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