13224.1 USB 0228Z: Homeplate attempting contact with “88” in the red but unable to make contact. Can’t make out callsign, perhaps Bully 88? Signal too weak for good copy.  

13224.1 USB 0517Z: Aircraft 346 clg Homeplate for HF radio check in the red. Aircraft 346 requested they kick green and both stations into ANDVT.  

Bull 08 calling JIATF on the 401 net (265.250 MHz) for a radio check.

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11282 USB 1557Z: Pathfinder 10 attempting comms with San Francisco Radio – but unable to establish contact.  

11309 USB 0902Z: Niugini 10 wkg Makassar Info with position report – passed BIK at time 0850, FL380, estimates MIMIK at 0923 and BIDOR at 0942. Makassar gave primary 11309 and 8918 secondary for HF and selcal checked FKEP. Boeing 737-800 from Port Moresby to Manila.  

8846 USB 0639Z: Air Fiji 262 in comms with Nadi Radio reporting they were FL170 climbing to block FL190 to FL210. Nadi Radio passed freqs of 8846 primary, 6553 secondary, and performed a selcal check. ATR-72 operated by Fiji Airways en-route from Port Vila to Nadi.  

Suspected US military stations Hammer 16 and Hammer 11 conducting radio checks on CONUS satcom 252.150. Their signals were super weak for me, but I could make out one of them reporting at checkpoint Budweiser. They seem to be able to hear each other just fine however.

Possible related traffic on 253.850 as well, which was referred to as channel 3.


11121 USB 0120Z: MARSCOMM West with chiefs headquarters message with reminder to keep contact info up-to-date, info about Air Force MARS 75th Anniversary special event station. The message then went on to discuss some bugs that were found in the NODS system during the recent Air Force Mars Blue exercise. The message concluded by announcing that the Air Force MARS will be attending the Ambition event with a booth. They will have VHF capability and will be monitoring BST-1.  

17946 USB 0455Z: Hercules 26 wkg San Francisco Radio with position report 55N 151-01W at time 0454, FL250, estimates ODK at 0523 and KODNE next. They were instructed to contact Anchorage on 132.65 once 100nm from ODK. The radio in use by San Francisco sounds like it’s on its last leg 😐  

Kanto 88 clg any radio for comms check on AC1 SATCOM net (268.350) – This freq is quite busy on a daily basis with encrypted traffic.


8903 USB 1335Z: T-way 191 wkg Seoul Radio with position report. Boeing 737-800 from Incheon to Da Nang Vietnam.  

8997 USB 1138Z: ANDVT traffic followed by DJ134 clg Homeplate for radio check in the red.  

11175 USB 0245Z: Foursome with EAM message JGS5OU.  

17907.1 LSB 0503Z: Fishermen in Spanish language.  

251.850 with a brief transmission from what sounded like Zoogie 81 calling Tanker Base for a radio check on Sat Bravo.


Nighthawk 45 clg Cactus for radio check on “Sat EA” freq 260.575.


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