US military units Charlie One Romeo and Charlie 37 with Iridium voice comms regarding “multiple gunshot wounds, 2 bilateral tourniquets, CASEVAC Wounded Eagle…” appears to be some type of training exercise but quite interesting.
Tags: iridium
4125 LSB 0134Z: Unid OM and YL with casual chit chat in Spanish language.
9502 USB 0340Z: J4A with EAM message LXY4OT.
10281 USB 0340Z: M6Z with EAM message LXY4OT.
11175 USB 0020Z: Abba 84 with one message of 4 items “VSA2” to Lord Ship.
11175 USB 0028Z: Skull 71 with one message of 4 items “O1Y6” to Lord Ship.
11175 USB 0046Z: Skull 72 with message relays of 6 groups LXB6HK, E4UURO and LXSJF2 to Skymaster.
11175 USB 0049Z: Abba 83 one message of 4 items “9W34” to Skymaster. Station sounded a bit off frequency.
11175 USB 0050Z: Fandango with EAM messages LXY4OT, LX55AZ and LXNK2C to all stations.
11282 USB 2059Z: Convoy 3837 wkg San Francisco Radio with position reporting DINTY at 2058, FL170, estimates DUETS at 2120 and DADIE next.
11539 USB 0248Z: M9Q with EAM message LX55AZ.
13895 USB 0313Z: I2T with EAM messages E4UURO, LX55AZ, LXNK2C, LXSJF2, LXY4OT and LX53R3.
16117 USB 0241Z: J4A with EAM message LXMMAZ.
Aircraft identifying as “Tail 10015” calling “Cactus” for radio checks on 262.125.
I have logged more Spanish speaking stations over the past few days on UHF SATCOM. Just like the traffic on 258.650 from a couple weeks ago, I really don’t get the vibe that these are typical pirates. Today the stations were testing in both Spanish and English. Here are recordings of the recently logged traffic.
265.550: Stations w/ test counts, “hola hola hola holas” and asking “me copia?” – it sounds as if they were giving each other signal reports.
267.050: Person whispering into the radio. This was logged in the middle of the night. I cannot make out what they were saying except maybe “tienes tienes cuatro” (you have 4?) between the encoded traffic.
261.775: Test counts and radio checks in both Spanish and English.
11175 USB 0039Z: Red River clg any station for radio check.
11175 USB 0140Z: Aircraft 48 with radio check.
11282 USB 2335: Zoro 11 wkg San Francisco Radio with position report ALANN at 2333 at FL320.
11494 USB 1904Z: Golf Mike Lima calling TSC for radio check.
11282 USB 2114Z: Ghost 52 wkg San Francisco Radio reports CPDLC established and request selcal check on HRGP.
11282 USB 2132Z: Epic 77 requesting selcal check.
9031 USB 0128Z: Dice Game and Hail Storm conducting radio checks and coordination for sending HF data.
9031 USB 0133Z: Hail Storm clg Terrific for radio checks in both clear and secure voice.
11175 USB 0031Z: Reach 4205 clg Mainsail for radio check.
11175 USB 0147Z: Town 28 clg Fire Boat with NEREP EV0280230/KMIBJJ// and Town 25 with NEREP EV0250400/KMIBX8T// to Depot.
11175 USB 0307Z: Demi Control (sound like) with EAM message PCLI76. Another EAM in progress from a much weaker station.
11175 USB 1533Z: Kabal 61 w/ radio check.
11175 USB 1606Z: Pugilism clg Days End requesting to enter the net followed by authentication challenge.
11175 USB 1613Z: Hail Storm clg Pugilism requesting they meet on the “Charlie Echo” freq (9031 kHz).
11175 USB 1659Z: Dragon 81 clg Mainsail for comm check.
11282 USB 1831Z: Happy 21 wkg San Francisco Radio for selcal check on KLQS.
11282 USB 1959Z: Kabal 61 wkg San Francisco Radio with position report and selcal check JPCD. Kabal 63 also in comms with San Francisco Radio for selcal check on HLCR.
17946 USB 0430Z: San Francisco in comms w/ Japan Air 407, Cathay 097, Japan Air 43, Korean Air 073, All Nippon 223, Japan Air 65, Zippy 23 among others. Could also hear Tokyo Radio in comms with several flights. We definitely had a noticeable increase in HF activity from aircraft in the West Pacific region due to the Inmarsat-4 F1 satellite outage.
11175 USB 0039Z: United 519 clg Mainsail for HF radio check. Boeing 737-800 from Reagan National to San Francisco.
11282 USB 1733Z: Canto 81 wkg San Francisco Radio with report at FL280, estimates BAART at 1821 and BARAZ next. Flight en route to Kalaeloa Airport and negative selcal.
11282 USB 1843Z: Convoy 3780 w/ position to San Francisco Radio – reports FICKY at 1839, FL180, estimates FOOTS at 1903 and FLITY next. Departed North Island en route to Kalaeloa Airport.
17431 USB 0205Z: Russian V07 numbers station with 5-figure groups in Spanish language.
US military units “Sunrise 2” and “Sunrise Actual” on Iridium voice.
Caught a few more tactical comms from these units. Sounds like they may be up on HF as well, so I will be keeping an ear out for them.
Tags: iridium
8906 USB 0545Z: VCV3770 wkg New York Radio with position estimates 29N 55W at 0614, FL330, 38N 50W at 0727, 45N 45W next. This is an Airbus A340-600 operated by the Venezuelan airline Conviasa en route from Caracas to Moscow.
8992 USB 0339Z: Air Force One calling for signal check. Very weak here in California, but definitely there in the noise. Boeing VC-25A with President Biden returning from Ireland.
8992 USB 0431Z: Compound clg Mainsail w/ communications test.
9007 USB 0508Z: Rescue 338 wkg Trenton Military requesting phone patch to RCC. Rescue 338 reports strongest signal near Winkler Manitoba and going to descend lower to investigate further – possibly an ELT? Trenton Military confirming with Rescue 338 to send message to RCC if they see any signs of distress in the Winkler area.
11175 USB 1224Z: Billy Boy with EAM message 6SR7RE and 6SNCYF for Tango Force.
11175 USB 1305Z: Hickam and Yokota conducting test counts.
11175 USB 1341Z: Aircraft 1035 clg Red River and Mainsail for radio checks; gets answered by Aircraft 56 who reports lima charlie.
11175 USB 2215Z: United 1948 clg Mainsail for HF radio check. This was a civilian aircraft – United Airlines Boeing 737 MAX 9 en route from Cancun to San Francisco.