6761 USB 0100Z: Reach 589 calling for radio check – no response heard.
6785 USB 0311Z: Sierra Whiskey Lima calling ?? (unintelligible) multiple times. Spanish language. Possible military comms, but who?
6761 USB 0100Z: Reach 589 calling for radio check – no response heard.
6785 USB 0311Z: Sierra Whiskey Lima calling ?? (unintelligible) multiple times. Spanish language. Possible military comms, but who?
8150 USB 0329Z: Unid OMs in Spanish language. Probably from Mexican fishing vessels? Could hear engine noise in background.
8983 USB 0404Z: Coast Guard 2008 attempting contact with COMCOM for ops and position, however stations have trouble hearing each other and were unable to make contact.
Satcom radio checks on 261.775 from Bay Raider 40 and Bay Raider 42.
Some clear voice satcom traffic on 263.925: Tuff 62, Doom Flight, Big Texas and Barksdale Ground Maintenance with radio checks.
15476 USB 0256Z: LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel from Base Antarctica Esperanza with music and Spanish voice. Very weak signal but audible here in California.
15817 USB 0242Z: Russian V07 numbers station with 5-figure groups in Spanish language.
28400 USB 1936Z: Bootleg ham station KC2FUK calling CQ and using salty language. Occasional air raid sirens playing. Odd activity.
268.150 CONUS “Sat A” voice w/ Argos 51 calling Argos 77 for comm check.
6721 USB 0518Z: Puerto Rico calling Andrews with ALE voice check.
8903 USB 1303Z: Seoul Radio asking Teeway 175 to come up on 10072 for a radio check. Boeing 737-800 operated by T’way Air. Flight was en route from Incheon to Cebu Philippines.
11175 USB 1541Z: Back Field calling Valhalla.
5598 USB 0721Z: NWS3503 wkg New York Radio to request altitude change to FL380. Boeing 777-200 operated by Nordwind Airlines traveling from Moscow to Cayo Coco Island in Cuba.
11282 USB 1907Z: Reach 052 requesting selcal check on KMQR from San Francisco Radio.
11282 USB 1932Z: King 69 wkg San Francisco Radio with voice position report of BAART at 1931, FL220, estimates BARAZ at 2038 and BILLO next.
6586 USB 0710Z: Caribbean 601 wkg New York Radio with position report. Boeing 737 MAX 8 from Toronto to Port of Spain (POS) Trinidad.
6655 USB 0657Z: Philippine 105 calling San Francisco Radio for selcal check. Boeing 777-300ER from San Francisco to Manila.
15817 USB 0251Z: Russian V07 numbers station with 5 figure groups in Spanish language. Station had a very strong signal and is believed to transmit from Khabarovsk, Russia.