6761 USB 0100Z: Reach 589 calling for radio check – no response heard.  

6785 USB 0311Z: Sierra Whiskey Lima calling ?? (unintelligible) multiple times. Spanish language. Possible military comms, but who?  

8150 USB 0329Z: Unid OMs in Spanish language. Probably from Mexican fishing vessels? Could hear engine noise in background.  

8983 USB 0404Z: Coast Guard 2008 attempting contact with COMCOM for ops and position, however stations have trouble hearing each other and were unable to make contact.  

265.250 CONUS: Jaguar 603 calling “99” on the 401 satcom net.

Tags: ,

Satcom radio checks on 261.775 from Bay Raider 40 and Bay Raider 42.


Some clear voice satcom traffic on 263.925: Tuff 62, Doom Flight, Big Texas and Barksdale Ground Maintenance with radio checks.


Logs 26-Feb-2023

15476 USB 0256Z: LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel from Base Antarctica Esperanza with music and Spanish voice. Very weak signal but audible here in California.  

15817 USB 0242Z: Russian V07 numbers station with 5-figure groups in Spanish language.  

28400 USB 1936Z: Bootleg ham station KC2FUK calling CQ and using salty language. Occasional air raid sirens playing. Odd activity.  

268.150 Argos 51

268.150 CONUS “Sat A” voice w/ Argos 51 calling Argos 77 for comm check.


Logs 21-Feb-2023

6721 USB 0518Z: Puerto Rico calling Andrews with ALE voice check.  

8903 USB 1303Z: Seoul Radio asking Teeway 175 to come up on 10072 for a radio check. Boeing 737-800 operated by T’way Air. Flight was en route from Incheon to Cebu Philippines.  

11175 USB 1541Z: Back Field calling Valhalla.  

Logs 20-Feb-2023

5598 USB 0721Z: NWS3503 wkg New York Radio to request altitude change to FL380. Boeing 777-200 operated by Nordwind Airlines traveling from Moscow to Cayo Coco Island in Cuba.  

11282 USB 1907Z: Reach 052 requesting selcal check on KMQR from San Francisco Radio.  

11282 USB 1932Z: King 69 wkg San Francisco Radio with voice position report of BAART at 1931, FL220, estimates BARAZ at 2038 and BILLO next.  

Logs 19-Feb-2023

6586 USB 0710Z: Caribbean 601 wkg New York Radio with position report. Boeing 737 MAX 8 from Toronto to Port of Spain (POS) Trinidad.  

6655 USB 0657Z: Philippine 105 calling San Francisco Radio for selcal check. Boeing 777-300ER from San Francisco to Manila.  

15817 USB 0251Z: Russian V07 numbers station with 5 figure groups in Spanish language. Station had a very strong signal and is believed to transmit from Khabarovsk, Russia.  

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