268.150 Parfil

268.150 CONUS: Station identifying as “Parfil” (sound like) calling “Foxtrot Foxtrot” and conducting test count.


263.925 Doom 72

More B-52 activity w/ Doom 72 clg Red River on the CONR-2 satcom net.


262.125 Skull 22

262.125: Skull 22 clg Red River (USAF Bomber Command, Barksdale AFB)


Logs 16-Feb-2023

8867 USB 0633Z: Raider 35 calling Nadi to request deviation 40 nautical miles for weather.  

11282 USB 1906Z: Navy BH405 wkg San Francisco Radio checking in at FL220 and negative selcal.  

11494 USB 2100Z: WCXBP calling Service Center and asked to have their radio re-keyed. WCXBP advised the radio is actually showing NGLBP for the identifier and may have been swapped out. Both stations switched to secure voice but were not successful. Additional troubleshooting and OTAR requests were noted.  

262.125 Tail 8001

262.125 CONUS: Aircraft “Tail 8001” calling Cactus on UHF SATCOM voice.


263.925 Slayer

263.925: Satcom voice with “Slayer” (sound like) calling for radio check.


Logs 15-Feb-2023

11282 USB 1835Z: Brewer 01 and Brewer 33 wkg San Francisco for selcal check.  

11282 USB 1904Z: Indy 74 calling San Francisco and requesting selcal check on KRHQ.  

11282 USB 2301Z: Aussie 422 wkg San Francisco and requesting selcal check on LPCJ.  

Logs 14-Feb-2023

4125 USB 0900Z: USCG Communications Command with marine information broadcast to all mariners regarding US military operations in an area 20 nautical miles by 20 nautical miles offshore of Myrtle Beach. Requesting all mariners to depart immediately and to stay clear of the area. This activity is related to the Chinese Spy Balloon shoot down recovery operations off the coast of South Carolina.  

11279 USB 1502Z: Emirates 211 with position report to Gander Radio. Aircraft was barely audible and very close to the north pole. Gave position report of 88N 60W at 1458, FL350, 87N 80W at 1509 and 80N 100W next. Selcal check requested for PQGJ. Airbus A380 from Dubai to Houston.  

11279 USB 1506Z: Emirates 3U with voice report to Gander Radio. Position 85N 95W at 1513, FL340, 80N 101W at 1550 and 75N 96W next. Boeing 777-300ER from Dubai to Chicago.  

11279 USB 1510Z: Gander Radio requesting flight level and next position from Qatari 57C. Airbus A350 from Doha to San Francisco.  

Logs 13-Feb-2023

11175 USB 0037Z: Reach 5E1 calling Mainsail for radio check.  

Logs 12-Feb-2023

5547 USB 0830Z: Vietnam 99 wkg San Francisco Radio for selcal check on KRDQ. Airbus A350-900 from San Francisco to Ho Chi Minh City.  

5547 USB 0836Z: Cargo King 223 wkg San Francisco Radio with position report. Boeing 777-F operated by China Cargo Airlines en route from Shanghai to Los Angeles.  

8843 USB 1807Z: Sun Country 8501 and N219YY with position reports to San Francisco Radio.  

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