Monitored some Spanish language comms on 260.725 and 268.150.



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Logged a few calls on the 401 net freq 265.250 MHz in clear voice.

Coast Guard 2314 requesting radio check.

Coast Guard 2710 calling JIATF South for radio check.

Sheriff 67 with call to JIATF South.

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Logs 13-Apr-2018

4125 USB 0601: USCG Comdet Kodiak with “pan-pan” urgent marine broadcast about the USCG receiving a 406 MHz EPIRB from the fishing vessel Cascade at position 52-23.7N 172-50.1W approximately 40nm east of Atka Island. Fishing vessel described as 48 feet in length with green hull and white pilot house.  

4125 USB 0604: USCG Cutter John Midgett clg F/V Cascade.  

4125 USB 0733: F/V Defender (WDB7740) calling F/V Cascade several times with no response heard.  

4125 USB 0936: USCG Comdet Kodiak advising all stations the USCG has made contact with the F/V Cascade and confirmed they are not in distress.  

6215 USB 0438: USCG Comdet Kodiak clg F/V Defender and F/V Aleutian Beauty.  

6640 USB 0350: Delta 1354 wkg San Francisco ARINC for phone patch to company dispatcher in regards to oil leak in engine. Flight discusses issue with mechanics and the decision is eventually made to continue onto LAX. Boeing 757 from Maui to Los Angeles.  

8291 USB 0444: USCG Comdet Kodiak calling F/V Cascade (callsign WDG3257) multiple times w/ no response heard.  

Logs 12-Apr-2018

5757 USB 0247: US military interplane traffic from “Spoof” and “Flow” (sound like) talking about engagements, launching missiles, routing and approaches.  

5757 USB 0255: US military interplane traffic with “Webster” and “Filter” with casual chit chat.  

8021 USB 0232: Fishermen with southern US accents.

11215.5 USB 0205: Thug 11 and Thug 21 in comms w/ Belltown.  

Logs 6-Apr-2018

5831 USB 1542: Olympus clg Medusa radio check.  

5831 USB 1727: War Hammer calling Miser (sound like) for radio check.  

5831 USB 2126: Chiefs Den calling Icepack for radio check.  

5831 USB 2359: Icepack wkg Land Shark with comm checks, later requested another radio check in CT then both stations into ANDVT traffic.  

251.850 CONUS: Aircraft “21” conducting radio check with another station.


260.725 CONUS: Clear comms on CONR2 from Mighty 41 clg Red River for radio check.


261.575 CONUS: Vegas 91 calling Jolly Ops for satcom check.


268.150 Seaslug

268.150 active with clear voice from “Seaslug” calling “Foxtrot” on channel 37.


260.725 CONUS: Mighty 11 and Mighty 13 calling for radio check on CONR-2.


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