261.575 CONUS: Bay Raider 42 making call to “Lightning” with no response heard.


260.725 Franchise

260.725 CONUS: Franchise calling any station on CONR-2 for radio check.


Bay Raider 42 (sound like) calling Newcastle and Diplomat on channel 71. Also had brief voice comms from “30” calling Diplomacy Forward.


261.575 CONUS: Warthog X-ray conducting comms check. No responses were heard.


261.575 Raven 1

Raven 1 and 4 conducting radio checks on UHF SATCOM freq 261.575 MHz.


261.575 Clear voice satcom with Blackhawk 043 clg Nighthawk X-ray.


Coast Guard 1704 calling JIATFS on 401 net in clear voice.

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Helicopter activity was monitored recently on 261.575. Here is a good amount of clear comms from several players including Wolfpack 6, Nighthawk 6, Ranger 6 and Wolfpack Main.

Part 1

Part 2


263.675 French Station

Logged a French sounding station on 263.675 calling JIATF South, but I cannot make out the callsign.

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261.575 Warlord 55

Warlord 55 (also as Blackhawk 055) calling Nighthawk X-ray for radio check.


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