260.725 CONUS: Jolly 42 and Jolly 41 calling Jolly Ops for radio check.
260.725 CONUS: Aircraft 37 calling Red River for VSAT radio check.
251.950 Bravo Xray 05 (sound like) calling unknown for radio check on satcom in the Pacific Region. Accent did not sound American perhaps New Zealand or Aussie?
Tags: APAC
6761 USB 0554: Rook 26 clg Mainsail.
6761 USB 0750: Mighty 54 Flight calling Roman 84.
8753.4 USB 0457: Waverider 01 clg Island Tribe with operations and position report. Activity related to RIMPAC 2016 in Hawaii.
8753.4 USB 1245: Omni 51 (sound like, heavy Japanese accent) calling Island Tribe reporting operations normal. Activity related to RIMPAC 2016 in Hawaii and Pacific Region.
262.225 CONUS: Delta 43 calling for radio check. Mike Charlie Victor responds but does not seem to be heard by other station.
USCG Cutter Northland attempting comms with JIATF South on 263.675.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
Testing an experimental 16 channel simultaneous logging setup with an Airspy on the CONUS bird. Certainly could not forgot about the good old 401 net. Here is Conan 27 calling JIATF South in clear voice.
266.850: Russian telephone traffic from the Pacific Region. I understand this may be the Altai mobile telephone system still used in some rural parts of Russia. You can hear similar activity on 266.950 as well.