251.850 CONUS: Argos 31 calling Thunder 77 for radio check on Sat Bravo.
261.675 CONUS: Blackhawk 20396 calling several times for a comm check.
260.725 CONUS: Tuff 17 calling Red River for a radio check on satcom.
10024 USB 0207: Gulfstream XA-ATI clg Cenamer Radio and reporting position OSELO at 0207, FL430, estimates UKABO at 0230 and POGAM next.
10024 USB 0316: Aeromexico 011 wkg Lima Radio at position ESDIN at time 0314, FL400, estimates ILVOS at 0420 and KAZAT next. Boeing 787 from Santiago to Mexico City.
10024 USB 0413: Lan Chile 622 reporting to Santiago Radio with what sounds like estimates for JURAK at time 0445 and ESDIN at 0541. Boeing 767-300 from Santiago to Mexico City.
251.850 CONUS: Chaos 14 calling Chaos 15 for a radio check on Sat B.
266.750 CONUS: Loach 632 calling Valor Ops in clear satcom voice.
6640 USB 0547: N91KH in comms with New York Radio for radio check. Aircraft advised they were located near Bozeman Montana and requested selcal check for AEKS. Canadair Challenger en route from Spokane to Tulsa.
6640 USB 1710: Air Transport 754CX requesting radio check from San Francisco — advised they were on the ground at Travis AFB.
6796 USB 1736: Land Shark calling Icepack for radio check and then into ANDVT comms.
6715 USB 0443: Atlas 338 calling Victoria Military for a radio check and requests communications guard and selcal check on FMEL. Vancouver Military passes secondary HF frequency of 3152 to Atlas 338.
6715 USB 0552: Atlas 338 calling Vancouver Military and reporting ops normal and in the vicinity of Medicine Hat, and requests traffic from Trenton RCC.
6631 USB 0558: Unknown aircraft wkg Petropavlovsk in Russian language.
6631 USB 0843: Abex 2283 wkg Petropavlovsk Control and estimates position SENOR at 0919, FL370, next UB at 0921. Boeing 767-200 from Kansai to Anchorage.
260.725 CONUS: Aircraft 5768 calling for a satcom ops check.