251.850 CONUS SATCOM with Snap 86 calling Tanker Base for radio check.


Bomber Radio Maintenance clg Red River w/ voice checks on 263.925 MHz.


Aircraft 9003 attempting comms with Cactus on 268.450 MHz via CONUS region.


268.150 CONUS with Savage 51 calling Zulu 77 for comm check on Sat Alpha.


Rescue Maintenance performing SATCOM check on 260.725. Signal quite weak.


Customs and Border Protection aircraft “Troy 270” with radio checks on 401 net.

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Logged a satcom pirate station from Brazil speaking some English. He was calling another station asking if anyone could hear them.

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Clear voice satcom on 251.850 from Blackhawk 20575 calling Valor 77. Also logged another station identifying as Delta 447 who was calling Valor Ops.


Caught an English speaking satcom pirate “November Alpha” on 263.925 MHz. They were doing 12345 test counts, sending DTMF tones and said to be calling from the United States of America. Interesting…

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Aircraft 73 calling Dyess Ground and Aircraft 5782 with radio check on 263.925.


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