Zeal 09 (USCG HC-130) clg HMCS Vancouver for a radio check on 401 net.
11494 USB 1641: Alpha 58 requesting OTAR for a DVP-200 from the Service Center.
24838.5 USB 1720: 00T calling 01D in ALE followed by voice comms from “X-ray 3 Foxtrot” and “Tango 9 Charlie” with radio check.
6888.1 USB 2217: Command and Piper 4 conducting radio checks and stations sounded like they were testing selective calling and some type of VHF to HF interconnect. Activity likely related to NVIS Communications out of California.
3048.4 USB 0351: Foxtrot Charlie, Whiskey, Lima, Juliete and others in US Navy air defense net off Southern California.
11282 USB 1958: Reach 293 and Evac 71437 wkg San Francisco.
11282 USB 2226: Convoy 2682 wkg San Francisco with position report.
18594 USB 1804: A0M calling EST on ALE followed by Omaha 760 wkg Hammer for radio check.
5732 USB 2012: Service Center informing “1709” about a new COTHEN antenna located in Honolulu and requested them to resound radio to test the new antenna.
10242 USB 2357: 8MR reporting ops normal to Hammer and asked them to give radio check on Air 3.
18594 USB 2236: Omaha 760 calling Ramrod and informs they have detected a rustica (sound like) semi-inflatable with 15 POB at position between Cuba and Florida. There was heavy fading making for a tough copy.
Hoya 09 flight calling MudBug and Raymond 12 for checks on VSAT.
Dynamite BCP and Delta BCP both requesting radio checks. Calls from Ironhorse Main and Hitman Main for radio checks as well. All of the usual suspects logged via satellite on the Pacific Ocean Region.
Tags: APAC
251.850 CONUS bird with Outlaw 44 calling Valor Ops for a radio check.
Ice 08 wkg Mac Center reporting SNIPT at time 0426, FL310, estimates BOENZ at 0510 and JEHOO at 0521. McMurdo Weather comes up and gives Ice 08 their PSR forecast for their estimated arrival at 0545 – reports few clouds at 1,500, scattered at 8,000, broken at 15,000, visibility unrestricted with drifting snow, grid wind 240 at 15, temperature -25 and altimeter of 2925.
Tags: APAC, Operation Deep Freeze