261.725 Ice 07

Here are some Operation Deep Freeze comms monitored last month on satcom. They seemed to have been having some problems with their HF comms that day.

Mac Center forecaster passing updated PSR information to Ice 07. At 0351, Ice 07 reports position BOENZ and estimates JEHOO at 0402.

Ice 07 checking in with Mac Center for departure clearance back to Christchurch. Ice 07 reports departing Pegasus at 0545, estimates BOENZ at 0614, estimate for 60 South at 0824 and ETA to Christchurch at 1048.

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255.350 Hawk Ground

A lot of activity was noted on 255.350. Lots of radio checks and testing. Multiple stations were logged including: Hawk Ground, Hawk 68, Hawk 07, Dice (sound like – station had a heavy Asian sounding accent) and another unid station.


251.850 CONUS: Lengthy radio testing from Aircraft 0108 and Aircraft 5716.


261.725 Reach 700

Reach 700, Mac Center and Deep Freeze Ops with UHF satcom checks.

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251.850 CONUS: Aircraft 6709 performing “Uniform 1” ops check.


260.525 PAC: Bulldog Main with commo check. Also noted another station identifying BCP calling Vanguard GCS (sound like).


260.725 CONUS: Ground Radio Maintenance conducting satcom ops check.


Possible accidental relay transmission from “Coast Guard” calling “Sea Tow” on channel 27 for a radio check.


Station identifying as “2313” (prob USCG aircraft) calling JIATF South.

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263.825 SAM 404

SAM 404 calling Crown (White House Communications Agency) and Cactus (unknown) for UHF SATCOM radio checks.


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