258.650 CONUS: Raven 82 calling Arch Ops (sound like) for comm check.
District 11 calling Sherlock 24 for updated on scene time.
District 11 calling JIATF South for a radio check in clear voice.
261.725 PAC: Ice 09 wkg Mac Center reporting position URROA at time 2324, FL310, estimates SNIPT at 0011 and JIPIG next. Mac Center requests Ice 09 to disregard JIPIG report and to give their estimates for BOENZ and JEHOO when crossing SNIPT. McMurdo Weather then comes up and gave latest forecast report to Ice 09 for their arrival. Reach 982 also heard wkg Ice Ops for radio check and advised they had departed Hickam with 9 1/2 hours to Christchurch.
Tags: APAC, Operation Deep Freeze
The tail end of a transmission from Indian 11 clg Razorback on 251.850.
261.875 CONUS: Hunter Ops calling Hunter Maintenance for satcom check.
3035 USB 2325: Unid stations with ANDVT comms.
8971 USB 2320: Demon 02 calling Dragonclaw 03 and asked them to kick to “3030”. Not sure if this was an HF freq? Checked 3030 kHz but had nothing.
11103.5 USB 0521: ZKX calling VEH637.
11103.5 USB 0542: ZKX radio checks with 12 Wing (not heard).
11103.5 USB 1407: ZKX calling VAA443 and 1S10A for radio check.
11175 USB 1627: Grass Fox with EAM messages JL5OYX and JLIHJO.
11175 USB 1717: Ski Slope with EAM message JLTLCO.
11175 USB 1932: Davis Monthan AFB aircraft maintenance conducting HF ops check.
14582 USB 2357: Hammer passing updated target information to Omaha 46.
11282 USB 1954: Skier 81 wkg San Francisco at position BEBOP at time 1954, in the block from FL 180 to FL200, estimates BAART at 2018 and BARAZ next.
11282 USB 2034: Rummy 62 wkg San Francisco and selcal checked KQEH.
11282 USB 2139: Cafe 51 wkg San Francisco for radio and selcal check.
6688 USB 0136: Aircraft w/ unknown station in French language. Very good signal from the aircraft, other station was barely audible.
7470 USB 2251: Bumblebee conducting radio check with Rhino and Chevron. Occasional ANDVT comms were also noted from these stations.
8806 USB 0104: WLO Mobile on “channel 830” with a test count.
13312 USB 1658: 13Z calling 704 on ALE followed by voice comms from D13 Command Center conducting radio check with Coast Guard 1714.
13907 USB 2006: A61 calling STR on ALE followed by Omaha 72761 calling Charlie 100.