Logs 30-Sep-2015

7527 USB 1721: Coyote 23 reporting to Red Hawk they are southeast of Sedona and ops normal.  

7527 USB 0250: Coyote 66 calling Red Hawk and informs they are RTB.  

13907 USB 1720: COMMCOM advising Coast Guard 1704 they need to contact “ComDet West” on the “PAC” ALE address.  

20890 USB 1917: 45E calling 04D on ALE followed by voice from “145” securing guard with Click Back (sound like) who was barely audible here.  

Logs 26-Sep-2015

5732 USB 1529: Coast Guard 1701 wkg COMMCOM for radio guard and requested switch callsign to Omni 45.  

6692 USB 0741: Air China 887 wkg Magadan Control for selcal check on GLFS. Boeing 777-300 from Beijing to Los Angeles.  

6706 USB 0649: Trenton Military volmet. Seems to be transmitting on wrong frequency.

7000 LSB 1511: Indonesian chanting stations.  

Logs 25-Sep-2015

6985 USB 0329: Hustler 14 calling any station for HF radio check.  

8716 USB 0223: Accented female talking in English to unheard station. Personal chit chat and how much they missed each other.  

8847 USB 0258: Female in Russian language w/ unheard station. Special thanks to Ron from Maryland who informed me: Korsar (Russian AB Pskov) w/76154 (IL-76MD–not heard). Korsar asking 76154 to keep a 2 hr comms sked. Korsar w/76779 (IL-76MD–not heard) reporting departure from Sochi w/45 tons fuel and nest is Rostov.  

8912 USB 0113: D07 calling DIL on ALE followed by voice comms w/ Omaha 7MR calling Condor 100 and he informs 30 minutes to feet dry.  

Logs 24-Sep-2015

5699 USB 0251: Gonzo 5 Bravo, Gonzo 5 Alpha and Gonzo 5 Charlie wkg Pipeline and report in contact with wing ops and requests to close watch.  

10242 USB 2033: R26166 calling PHXNG on ALE followed by Coyote 66 conducting HF voice check with Red Hawk.  

12222 USB 1622: District 11 attempting comms with Coast Guard 1701.  

Logs 22-Sep-2015

9170 LSB 0127: Test counts in Spanish and English. Transmission kept repeating over and over.  

Logs 21-Sep-2015

4125 USB 1327: Crude oil tanker SR American Progress (callsign KAWM) calling for radio check. Station establishes contact with Kodiak (barely audible here) and reports loud and clear.  

Logs 20-Sep-2015

11175 USB 0217: Victor 5 Hotel clg Skyking several times and no joy.  

11282 USB 2135: Okie 81 calling San Francisco for a selcal check on JSBR.  

Logs 16-Sep-2015

5733 USB 0124: Unid stations in Tadiran voice scrambler — suspected Mexican military comms.

5909.5 USB 2236: PHXNG calling R26123 on ALE followed by Redhawk conducting HF radio check with Coyote 23 in USB voice.  

7615 USB 0203: Triblade 20 calling Red Dragon 1102.  

11202 USB 0426: Commsta Kodiak calling Coast Guard 1714.  

Lately I have been hearing Russian traffic on 256.950 and a few other freqs.

Occasional test counts and lots of “priyoms” and some broken English. 

This time I thought it sounded like a Chinese station on 256.950?

Continuing to hear activity just about every day now. Here is some broken sounding English from the station.

I also heard the same guy on 263.625.

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Logs 10-Sep-2015

5742 LSB 2127: Valiant Warrior wkg Reliable Partner (barely audible) with radio checks in USB, LSB and ISB modes on various transmitters.  

11209.4 USB 1554: Redhook 801 calling Habitat for radio checks in the red and green.  

11494 USB 2125: Coast Guard 1709 requesting radio guard from COMMCOM and reports airborne out of air station Humboldt en route back to homeplate.  

13312 USB 1745: TSC calling 809 in ALE followed by Service Center clg “205” for radio check.  

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