Logs 3-Sep-2015

5696 USB 0851: Coast Guard 1714 calling COMMSTA Kodiak reporting airborne from St Paul and would be escorting 6037 to location of medevac.  

5696 USB 0910: Coast Guard 1714 informing COMMSTA Kodiak that 6037 was airborne and en route to fishing vessel Pacific Glacier. Rescue 1714 reports to Kodiak both their position and the position of Pacific Glacier.  

5696 USB 1010: COMMSTA Kodiak requesting ops and position from Coast Guard 1714. Coast Guard 1714 reports loitering in position 57-46N 172-14W and informs that 6037 is commencing hoist. At 1020Z the Rescue 1714 reports to Kodiak that 6037 has completed hoist and both would be en route back to St Paul.  

5696 USB 1035: Aircraft 5147 calling any station for HF ops check.  

Logs 2-Sep-2015

8912 USB 1929: TSC calling SA3 in ALE followed by Service Center troubleshooting comms with Omaha 46. Service Center informs Omaha their radio should be sounding on 14 channels.

12222 USB 2128: R26055 calling SFENG on ALE, followed by Lobo 77 calling Lobo Operations to report operations normal.  

15867 USB 1912: SA3 calling WST on ALE, then Omaha 46 conducting radio check with Condor 100.  

15867 USB 2053: R26338 calling SANNG on ALE followed by voice comms from Alamo 52 conducting a commo check with Operations.  

Logs 31-Aug-2015

8439 USB 1318: Males in Russian language. One station had background hum during transmissions.  

11232 USB 2007: Snake 457 requesting selcal check on GHEK from Trenton Military.  

11282 USB 0231: San Francisco passing SIGMET for Tropical Cyclone Ignacio to Teal 77 hurricane hunter aircraft. Teal 77 requesting 10,000 ft for next 3 hours and advised they would be releasing weather instruments. This flight is working Hurricane Ignacio east of Hawaii.  

11282 USB 1634: Aussie 637 wkg San Francisco w/ position BAART at time 1625, FL260, estimating BARAZ at 1741 and BILLO next. Aussie 637 requests selcal on MPGJ.  

11282 USB 1650: Reach 506 wkg San Francisco.  

11282 USB 1705: Reach 505 checking in with San Francisco and requested selcal check on CKGR.  

11282 USB 1836: Evac 91453 wkg San Francisco. Reporting CPDLC, FL400, estimates BAART at 1843 and requests selcal check on JSHP.  

GM Mobile in comms with Charleston ROF and Mac Center. Comms sounded like they were initiated through some phone patch link. DTMF tones and automated voice saying 01, 02, 04 connected. Brief chit chat between man and woman that comments about first time seeing the moon and stars from Antarctica.

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258.550 PAC: Deep Freeze Base Ops calling Mac Radio and Charleston ROF. Also comms with Ice 01 for satcom radio checks.

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Activity from “Green Hornet” on 260.625 all while they mentioned transmitting on 166.5125. Station said he wanted to try a comm check on satcom on preset 28. For what it’s worth, I logged these stations a few weeks ago on 257.150.


Techno 12 (sounded like) with brief transmission calling Mauka on 265.350.


266.750 CONUS: Blackhawk 20473 calling Executioner Ops on “Sat Echo” for radio check.


263.925 CONUS: Caught a brief radio check on satcom from Kingfish 01.


Logs 28-Aug-2015

5730 USB 0438: Mexican Navy patrol vessel “Papa Oscar 104” calling “Alpha Sierra” (sound like) in Spanish language.  

14582 USB 0211: R26061 linking with SFENG on ALE followed by Lobo 061 conducting radio check with Lobo Ops. Station also conducted radio check with Service Center.  

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