Logs 27-Aug-2015

5740 USB 0103: Suspected Mexican military aircraft (1122?) calling Papa Oscar 125 and passing traffic in Spanish.  

5740 USB 0239: Same aircraft (1122?) wkg Romero Romero with position report which sounded like 30-56.9 N, 116-05.4 W, Assuming correct this puts them over northern Baja Mexico region.  

261.875 CONUS: Shark 30 calling Brickyard and Republic in clear voice.


More pirates on 262.275. Unidentified accented male with test counts.

Unid pirate station monitored on 262.275 using words like hola, amigo and bolinha. It was monitored on my Pacific antenna, so I’m not sure they were of Brazilian origin. I have logged Russian pirates on this frequency in the past.


Coast Guard 1502 was noted calling for multiple radio checks on 263.675.

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Moonlit 07 (sounded like) calling JIATF South for radio check. Not completely sure of the callsign, but sounds like Moonlit. I have also copied 98 and 08 as well.

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Loach 383 (or Logue?) calling Valor 77 on satcom freq 266.750.


266.750 CONUS: Charlie 51 clg Executioner Ops for comm check on Sat E.


Sting 2 clg Weapons School Ops. Sting 1 answers and reports loud and clear.


257.050: Green Hornet conducting radio checks with Leonard or Lager Tower (sound like). The station mentioned he was transmitting on preset 29.  


Razorback conducting radio checks. This is the CBP Air Branch in Puerto Rico.  

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