Sheriff 67 calling JIATF South multiple times on 263.675 MHz w/ no joy.  

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253.650 Pacific Ocean: US Army in Korea clear comms! 8th Army MCP and 19th MCP attempting radio checks on 253.650. Station was also noted using callsign “Sustainer X-ray” (sound like) and was calling Papa Victor 67.  

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Reach 5E1 and Deep Freeze Ops w/ satcom checks. Reach 5E1 mentions they are on the way to Alice Springs and would be available ahead of schedule.  

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260.725 CONUS: Lobo 71 calling Red River for VSAT radio check.  


266.750 CONUS: Radio check from Iron 93 calling Valor 77 on Sat Echo.  


Very muffled sounding station identifying as “Shark” for comms check.  


Wolfpack calling COMUSKOREA and Wolfpack 1 for a radio check.  


“30” calling “28” for radio check. Station also identified as Aircraft 230.  


Hawk 53 calling multiple times to Hawk Ops for a satcom radio check.  


251.850 MHz: Wire 43 calling Wire 78 on “Sat Bravo” for a radio check.  


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