401 net

You are currently browsing articles tagged 401 net.

Coast Guard 2016 attempting radio check with JIATF South on 401.

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Brief clear comms from USCGC Valiant (WMEC-621) – may have been accidental transmission. Sounded like he meant to transmit on CG 111.

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265.250 Mace 506

Mace 506 (sound like) calling “Condor” for a radio check on 401 net.

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265.250 Mako 50

Mako 50 calling JIATF South on 265.250 MHz. For what it’s worth, I have noticed a pick up of activity on 401 net since President Trump’s inauguration.

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Mace 303 (sound like) calling JIATF South for radio check on 401.

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265.250 Bull 12

265.250 MHz: Bull 12 calling any station for radio check on JIATF 401 net.

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265.250 Colt 66

265.250 CONUS satcom with Colt 66 calling JIATF South for radio check.

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Lately I’ve caught a bunch of clear voice radio checks from Colt 85 on the JIATF-South 401 #satcom net (265.250 MHz). Does anyone have an ID on this aircraft?

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Customs and Border Protection aircraft “Troy 270” with radio checks on 401 net.

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Very scratchy voice traffic from Patriot 90 calling JIATF South in the clear.

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