Multiple UHF SATCOM radio checks from Aircraft 5961 and Aircraft 5763 via the Asia-Pacific region on 263.725 MHz.
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Pacific satcom with Rogue 76 calling Rogue Ops for a radio check.
Heard them again, this time using the callsign Rogue 73. Same operator.
Tags: APAC
Gundam 23 calling Bully Ops for comm check on 260.575 MHz.
Tags: APAC
Sockeye 81 calling Top Rock (NORAD Alaska ROCC, Elmendorf AFB) on SATCOM.
Tags: APAC
More clear satcom from the Pacific region on 260.575 with Knife 21 clg Bully.
Tags: APAC
Decent signal from Gundam 21 (sound like) calling Gundam 22 for satcom check. Not entirely sure of this callsign, so any help on the ID is much appreciated.
Tags: APAC
Copied a weak signal from “Defender” calling “Dragon” on 260.525 MHz.
Tags: APAC
268.350 MHz: Kanto 85 calling any aircraft, any radio for check on AC-1 net.
Tags: APAC
Here are some Russian’s using US military satellites for communication, similar to their Brazilian counterparts 😉
Here is a very rough summary of the comms: The stations discuss their equipment and activities for satcom radio communication. One operator mentions using a 15-watt power with a double cross antenna on their apartment’s windowsill (possibly in Khabarovsk). They talked about Youth Day celebrations and fishing. They also talk about FLT-8, currently positioned above Australia, and communication the day prior with someone over in Kazakhstan. They mention using an SDR to locate transponders and mention some other satellites such as UFO-4, FLT-5, and UFO-11. The conversation also touched on the challenge of communication with distant regions like Moscow and St. Petersburg due to limited elevation angles.
Clear voice satcom from the Korean peninsula! AC-72 reporting “wheels up Osan” to Bully (sound like) on the frequency 260.575 MHz.
Tags: APAC, south korea