A lot of USCG assets logged via satcom the past few months. Here is Coast Guard 1706 calling JIATF South for radio checks on the 401 net.
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Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
USCGC Mohawk calling for radio checks. Also had aircraft using Satcom 1 and Satcom 2 callsigns with radio checks mixed in.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
USCG HC-130 aircraft “Zeal 01” calling “Zeal 04” on 401 net. In SoCal you can often hear these guys on COTHEN and VHF/UHF (MCS, CG 127, Blue 3 etc.)
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
Coast Guard 2306 requesting a radio check from anyone, but no response is heard.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
Coast Guard 2707 calling JIATF South for a radio check.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
US Coast Guard Cutter Escanaba (WMEC 907) calling JIATF South and D11 multiple times. Station comes up again as Tiburon 907, which appears to be a callsign used for Operation Martillo related activities.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard
263.675 ATC Mobile (USCG Aviation Training Center, Mobile Alabama) calling COMMCOM (USCG Communications Command) for a radio check.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
USCGC Northland attempting comms with USCGC Venturous on 401 net.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
Coast Guard 1502 was noted calling for multiple radio checks on 263.675.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS
Coast Guard 1716 calling JIATF South for radio check on the 401 net.
Tags: 401 net, coast guard, CONUS