You are currently browsing articles tagged CONUS.

I logged some activity from Air Force Rescue 5858 attempting comms with Moffett Rescue on UHF SATCOM voice.


Mogul 63 from the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment attempting comms with a few stations from their #satcom radio.


Mace 303 (sound like) calling JIATF South for radio check on 401.

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265.250 Bull 12

265.250 MHz: Bull 12 calling any station for radio check on JIATF 401 net.

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265.250 Colt 66

265.250 CONUS satcom with Colt 66 calling JIATF South for radio check.

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Last week I caught a bunch of pirate activity from a station in Colombia who was testing on various satcom frequencies. Interestingly the station was actually doing most of transmissions in English and had a very good signal. Here are a few of the intercepts of this traffic. It will be interesting to see if more of them start to pop up.

263.675 MHz – A pirate station from Colombia is testing military satellite communications on UFO-7 in both Spanish and English. Another pirate from Brazil responds, telling him to get off the radio and go take care of the cocaine plantation 😂😂😂. He also makes a few more vulgar comments toward the Colombian station. What a clown show!

269.950 MHz – The same person is testing in English and reciting a METAR report: “Automatic weather observation Papa, time 2300 Zulu, wind 350 at 10, visibility 10 miles, scattered 7,500, broken 1,200, overcast 300, temperature 24, dewpoint 15, altimeter setting 3002.” I also logged the same operator on other downlinks, including 263.925, 265.250, 266.750, and others. Quite odd, to say the least.

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Logged a few aircraft transmitting clear on 251.850 MHz #satcom from CONUS region. Lion 82 (sounded like) passing brief traffic to Tanker Ops, Valiant 72 calling Valor 77, and Raid 81 attempting comms with Tanker Base.


Logged a couple unID’ed aircraft with radio checks and trouble with their crypto.


Bounty Hunter 61 calling Archer 27 on #satcom for voice check. Interestingly enough there were a few other stations who heard him. The Spanish language players are Puma and Boa (sound like) – suspected to be Colombian military assets.


Thunder 2 (probable B-1B) with radio check calling Red River on #satcom.


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